100 Days of Code Challenge

100 Days of Code Challenge

Hi everyone,

I have joined the #100DaysofCode challenge in Python and I am updating my daily progress on Twitter You can follow me on twitter for daily updates.

You can follow by blogs for weekly reports which I am going to upload, like what i have learned in last week and tricks and tips which i can share.

For example

I have learned about github and VS Code where we can connect both. Here we can push directly from VSCode to Github without coding . Here is mine github so you guys can check how I am uploading my daily code on github.


If you guys want or need any blogs, just leave a comment. I will try to search for it and provide it in the next blog.
For example:
  • How to start the #100daysofcode challenge
  • How to use Github
  • How to connect Github and Vscode
  • so on.

Thanks for reading my first blog.

If you want to support me or buy me a coffee : Coffee